These 5 Signs Of A Man Who Will Ruin Your Life In 2025
5 Signs of a Man Who Will Ruin Your Life. Signs that he loves himself more than you: The relationship starts unexpectedly and beautifully, but after a while, something goes wrong. The woman begins to analyze and look for the reason, sometimes blaming herself. If this happens, think again. Perhaps you have met a narcissistic man. Here’s how to recognize him. Such men love themselves more than anyone else.
They consider themselves the center of the universe. As long as they are interested, they maintain beautiful relationships. They effortlessly captivate a woman, engulf her in affection and romance, and instill in her a sense of exclusivity. But they are incapable of maintaining long-term relationships and just as easily break them off if interest disappears.
By showing attention, they do not care about the woman at all, because they are completely devoid of the ability to empathize. They just like to see admiration in her eyes. But after some time, the relationship deteriorates, and the woman is at a loss as to what went wrong.
5 Signs of a Man Who Will Ruin Your Life Here are 5 signs that you have met a narcissistic man.
1. He, only he
Such men need attention. He feels most comfortable in a situation where a woman readily listens to him praises him, and does something for him.
But as soon as she comes to him with her problems or wants to share her joy, he will frown with displeasure, just remain silent or pretend to be busy. No, he is not busy, and not tired, he is simply not interested in other people’s emotions and feelings. At all.
2. Always and in everything others are to blame
At first, it is not very noticeable, but over time the woman understands that he blames her for any problems. Such men simply do not tolerate criticism and do not know how to admit their mistakes and take responsibility, so when some problems arise they rush to blame everything on others. This is his natural defensive reaction.
3. He needs control
Such a man needs to control everything. If the woman does not submit to this, he begins to get nervous or even tries to end the relationship. If the woman gives in, he quite happily “sits on her neck” and enjoys the power. He needs a relationship only for this. At the same time, he will resist spiritual rapprochement in every possible way.
4. He needs attention
Often, male narcissists grow up from children who were deprived of attention and approval in childhood. That is why they desperately need constant attention and praise from others.
And that is why they are overly sensitive to criticism or a woman’s desire to devote her time to her interests.
This throws him back to the painful moments of childhood, he again feels a lack of attention, and eventually breaks off the relationship or tries to get what he wants from another.
5. Lightness and carelessness
He will never allow drama in relationships frank conversations about feelings, or discussion of personal problems. Don’t even try to get into his soul – it’s dark, cold, and lonely there.
He will never admit what he feels. If a woman persistently tries to make him open up, he will close himself off and blame her for everything.
In the worst case, he will start doing what he suffered as a child – he will try to show the woman that others are more important and attractive to him than she is. He will start paying attention to others and cheating on her.
Why do women fall in love with narcissists? There may be many reasons, but the result is always predictable – a painful relationship or a quick breakup. Because such men lack self-confidence, they are hampered by many psychological problems that are difficult to fix.
To heal his soul, a woman will have to try hard. Not every woman is ready for this. But even less are narcissistic men themselves ready for this…