
What No Self-respecting Woman Should Put Up With

Relationship Advice: What No Self-respecting Woman Should Put Up With

Things no self-respecting woman should put up with. Here is a list of things you should not tolerate. It is not exhaustive, but it is a good starting point: I recently got a whole new perspective on how men and women meet. I was talking to a friend on Skype while she was getting ready for a date with a man who promised to pick her up at 7 pm.

When the clock showed 7:15 PM, I asked her if she was going to call him and ask where he was. She said, “No.”  At 7:45 PM, I asked her again if she wanted to call him. “No,” she said again, and continued talking to me as if nothing had happened.  At about 8:00 PM, there was a knock at her door. She asked me to wait.

Thirty seconds later, she returned and continued talking to me as if nothing had happened. Confused, I asked her if she was going on a date or not. “No,” she said calmly.  “What happened?” I asked.  “I asked him who he thought I was to be an hour late. I threw his flowers in his face and slammed the door.”  Yes, I admit, it was a bit dramatic and over the top.

I definitely don’t recommend you do the same, but at the same time, I admire her. She didn’t accept being treated like she or her time weren’t worth anything. She doesn’t tolerate being treated badly by a man. And she makes that clear from day one.


(Just so you know, that man didn’t have a good explanation, he was just late.)

My friend always says, “You have to teach a man how to treat you.” And I couldn’t agree more. She teaches men to treat her well from the start. And everyone should do that.

Do you tolerate mistreatment or disrespectful behavior?

Things no self-respecting woman should put up with. Here is a list of things you should not tolerate. It is not exhaustive, but it is a good starting point:

The relationship is 50:50. He keeps an eye on everything to make sure you’re doing (and paying) your share.

He asks you to pay on the first date, or any date at all. It may be old-fashioned, but it’s one thing for you to offer to split the bill, and another for him to tell you that you each pay for yourself.

He is late without warning or logical explanation.

He never comes, even if he promised. And it doesn’t matter if he calls the next day or week.

He keeps canceling or rescheduling your meetings. Are you his backup plan?

He lies about where he is and who he is with.

He humiliates you with his jokes – about your intelligence or appearance.

He flirts or openly looks at other women.

He doesn’t keep his promises.

He asks you for money.

He introduces you as his girlfriend, not his girlfriend.

And much more. The main thing is how you feel when your man does something. If it offends you, hurts you or humiliates you, then no one has the right to say that you are too sensitive. These are your feelings, and they are important.  Know your worth, raise it, not tolerating disrespectful attitude towards yourself.

What No Self-respecting Woman Should Put Up With
What No Self-respecting Woman Should Put Up With

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