
Relationships Advice: 7 Types of Women to Avoid in a Long-Term Relationship

7 Types of Women to Avoid in a Long-Term Relationship
Have you been in a bad relationship in the past that left you confused about what kind of women to avoid in a long-term relationship? Today you will find out. From a man’s perspective.

As men, it’s all too easy to assume that a woman is who we see on the outside. Attracted by her looks and her smile, we quickly let down our defenses and minimize any negative qualities she may have. We want to believe that she’s kind, loving, and can make a damn good sandwich.

We can usually explain why we are captivated by her; she is beautiful and sweet, and there is something special about her. So it is not surprising that many men fall in love with the same type of women over and over again, even if nothing good comes out of it.

After reading this article, stop and look at your current relationship from the outside; now you will be able to predict its future! But keep in mind that everyone can change, and women, like men, are not perfect. Wait until she wants to change or accept her as she is. The third option is: do not fool anyone’s head and leave. Let her live the way she wants. Good luck!

Here is a list of 7 types of women to avoid in a long-term relationship. These are just recommendations; the choice is yours!

7 Types of Women to Avoid

1. Self-critical with low self-esteem

This girl is just a few steps away from perfection. She hasn’t quite figured out her self-esteem, and her confidence may be a little low. Self-deprecating humor is her favorite defense against the world. But if only you could make her see herself the way you see her!

Stop right now! She is the one responsible for her own happiness and self-esteem. She should know her own worth. She will see you as a person with poor judgment if you try to tell her that she is better than she thinks she is.  Find a woman who loves herself. I promise you, she will love you more than you can imagine.

2. Super social

This kind of girl is just annoying. She wants to tell you everything about everything. And she wants to hear the same about you and in the same amount. There is too much of her.

This type of woman needs girlfriends and plenty of communication. But you can’t pass for her girlfriend. She will spend all your energy, leaving nothing for romance. Not to mention that she will kill any mystery in the relationship, and you will not find here the alluring mystery that many men like to solve in women.

She will talk when she is nervous, she will talk when she is scared, she will talk when she is awake, and she will talk when she is lonely. And it will not stop. It can be cute on first dates, but I will tell you, as a man, sometimes we need silence .  Communication is key in any relationship, but not everything should be out in the open right away. And some things are better left alone.

You are her boyfriend, not her mother, and not her best friend. Let the right people fill those roles, and you stay in yours.

3. Overly experienced girl

I don’t know how to say this without making someone angry or offended. But if she’s had many partners, there may be reasons for that: she gets bored quickly, she’s not interested in long-term and serious relationships, she’s flighty, she’s not very picky, she’s very loving, or she doesn’t stay with men for long for important reasons.

However, it is unfair to make assumptions about a woman based on the number of partners she may have had. So before you judge her on this point, look at yourself first. Are you the one to judge her? If this is so important to you and you judge her past relationships and their number, then you should not commit yourself to a long-term relationship with this girl.

7 Types of Women to Avoid

4. The girl who likes bad boys

You’ve heard thousands of girls say, “Why do I always fall for jerks?” He treats her like crap and she still goes with him. She’s attracted to his confidence, not his ignoring of her feelings. She’s attracted to him taking care of his body; she sees a man who can protect her and provide for her. He gives her a spark that lights her up from the inside.

But such a guy will have a thousand more “options”, just like her, and when she comes back to you, she will still think about him. Desire him and remember him.

You have two options here: be her backup or be the “bad boy” she craves. The third option is that you can just walk away. The second option is definitely the best. Take care of yourself. Eat well, exercise, and lift weights. Be successful and educate yourself. If she wants a bad boy, be one. Hopefully you can do this without being an asshole.

5. The girl who doesn’t love you

Have you read books about love? No? Then read one for a change, or at least watch a movie! Find out what it means and what it feels like to be loved. You are not here just to buy her flowers, invite her to dinner, buy her a pretty dress, compliment her, learn her favorite dance and make all her dreams come true.  She should reciprocate your love, and it should be sincere and mutual.

If she doesn’t love you , things will go badly. You won’t feel reciprocity. Something will always be missing.

If after a long period of time the relationship seems one-sided, it probably is. Building a strong and happy relationship requires love and effort from both sides. If this is not the case, the relationship is doomed.

6. The Tormented Girl

This poor girl was seriously disappointed by a man in the past (or several). Some guy came her way when she needed him the most. He insulted her, cheated on her, used her, or lied to her. She never forgot it and couldn’t move on. In her eyes, all men are devils. 

You’re perfect for her, but she’s always waiting for some kind of catch when you reveal your true self. She doesn’t just anticipate it; she expects it.

Until she forgives the man(s) from her past and moves past it, she will never truly shed her armor to love again. She will never be vulnerable. 

She won’t open up to you. She’ll be suspicious of your friends. She’ll make you feel like you’ve done something wrong, and it’ll get to the point where you just can’t stand it.

I don’t know how, but some girls can overcome bad past experiences and move on. They start a family and live happily in marriage. If you see evidence that she is not like that, leave right now. Find a nice girl whose heart is full of hope and pursue your dreams together.

7. The one who wants to change you

This girl thinks she can turn you into the man of her dreams. You are close enough to what she has always wanted, and with just a little time and motivation (manipulation?) she can turn you into the “best” version of yourself.

No! No! No! If she needs you to change, even a little bit, to love you, don’t do it! I can’t say it again and again. If she can’t love you the way you are, she just doesn’t love you, period! No amount of change will do anything.

Be yourself, and there will be someone for whom you will be loved and dear. Tell her your opinion on this matter and let her decide for herself. But don’t let her cut you out!

So, I’m going to end this post by completely contradicting myself. All of these girls can change, and all of these girls deserve to find the love you’re looking for.

This list is my personal list; it can be a good starting point for you, but it is worth considering that almost each of these seven types of women can be very useful to you. Type #7 can be the one that turns your life around and leads you to success. And you will be glad that you decided to change for her.

With girl #6, you can be an extremely patient guy who reminds her that not all guys are the same. You can restore her faith in men and in love. You can make her happy, even though it may take 20 years. But you can be the one who restores her faith and ignites the spark. She was just waiting for you!

Beauty #5 may be suffering from having a messed up childhood. She grew up in a house where no one hugged her or said nice things to her. She doesn’t know what it feels like to have someone treat her so well. She’s confused, but she knows her world is a better place with you. You may be the selfless person who makes her life worth living.

As for the overly experienced girl #3, there is a perfect match for her too. Perhaps she has been looking for the one for too long, and now she has found him in you. She wants you to take care of her and love her.

The woman who loves to talk will also find her man. And her man will love to listen. He will be her boyfriend, best friend, mother, consultant and confidant.

If you are a real man, then girl #7 will find in you everything she dreamed of. And you can be the one who shows woman #1 how amazing she is. With your love and care, she will turn into a beautiful, confident woman. And she will be yours.

I didn’t write this to tell you who to love. I wrote this because I’m tired of reading about how bad everyone is and how no one is worth loving. Love—it’s worth it! We are all different and that’s the beauty of it. Open your heart and see what comes out of it.

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