
Relationship Advice: The wisest words about relationships I have ever read

The wisest words about relationships I have ever read.

  • I would like to take care of you without wanting to change you.
  • Loving you while leaving you free;
  • Take you seriously—without forcing you to do anything.
  • Come to you without imposing myself.
  • To give you something without expecting anything in return.

To be able to say goodbye to you without fear of losing you forever. To talk to you about my feelings—without placing responsibility for them on you. To share knowledge with you—without lecturing you. To be happy for you as you are. If you, too, with the same feelings, step towards me, we can enrich each other.

The wisest words about relationships I have ever read. Gibran Kahlil Gibran

How wonderful it is to live like this, in complete freedom and at the same time in harmony with everyone, without throwing off the shoulders the responsibility and care for each other, and these are not the shackles of slavery and not the restrictions imposed on each other, but the ability to take on something more than the simple functions of reproduction or procreation.

The human whims of our ego, put forward by people in relation to each other, are insignificant and false in comparison with the real power, which is always on the side of freedom, and this is the ability to be responsible for our actions and for our every second, hourly, daily choice, which we essentially do constantly.

The entire universe is permeated and woven with our choices and decisions, from everyday trifles to love, because a person is essentially a choice—what he chooses, what he decides on, and what decisions he makes—this is how his “fate” is formed.

Freedom is the main indicator of the quality of life and whether the right choice was made, whether the decisions are correct, whether we live and develop correctly or falsely. The law that governs the universe is eternal development, evolution, leap, and revelation of oneself and everything, and this does not happen without freedom, and if we contradict.

This simple and eternal truth, if we do not serve it and do not lead ourselves and others to it, then we develop egoism, encourage cruelty, and insult ourselves and our entire reality.

Cutting off the spirit from the source and plunging the eternal present into the depths of the illusion of our small “I”—and then any relationships, feelings, undertakings, deeds, or any of the most sublime thoughts and conclusions become another concept, a rule and a set of prohibitions and restrictions, a noose around the neck, a dead point, poorly completed and punished already during life.

This is the path to suffering and torment, the path to slavery.

Those who are from our family, from the family of the strong—they are free together, pure and sincere to each other, manifested without falsehood, free and happy at the same time and everywhere; they have nothing to hide from each other; they are not embarrassed by anything because there are no lies and mistakes in them; there is no regret; they are blessed and fulfilled.

Because such a union of souls is likened to the universe itself, lives by its laws, does not contradict it, and is one with nature and eternity in all its manifestations, in the fullness of all its naturalness, depth, and beauty.

Such a union is indestructible, and no one and nothing can cross the paths of people who are united by such a union! This is the quality of life that true witches, Vedas, magicians, and people who know live, and this is the only reason why they are manifested in the world.

People who go against such a union are already prematurely defeated and routed, scattered into dust and ashes, dissolved into oblivion already during their lifetime… it is only a matter of time.

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