
Relationship Advice; Does He Treat You Like A Backup Plan? Remember These 4 Things!

Does he treat you like a backup plan? Remember these 4 things!
You have fallen in love with a man who says he loves you but acts like he is always too busy to hang out with you or acts disinterested half the time when you call him.  You want to invest more of yourself in the relationship, but every time you try to give more, it seems like he is pulling away from you. You make him a priority, and he only takes and gives you nothing in return.

First of all, if this is the case, you should not make him your priority, but sometimes we get so carried away in trying to win his favor that we forget about our worth and pride. And this is not allowed; you are beautiful and worth more, and anyone who does not treat you with dignity should not be in your life!

If you are stuck in a relationship with someone who doesn’t put you first and who sees you as a second option, you need to understand these 4 things.

Does He Treat You Like A Backup Plan? Remember These 4 Things!

1. This is not true love.

True love is honesty, respect, and care. True love is dedicating itself to one person and making them feel valuable and important. It all comes from the heart, and there should be no such thing as one partner fighting for the other’s attention. If you are loved, you will always be a priority; you will not be kept in reserve; you will not be shown their superiority; and you will not be made to feel that you are not very important.

You shouldn’t be with someone who treats you like an option instead of the special and incredibly valuable person you are—that’s not love, that’s manipulation and use.

2. You don’t have to fight for affection.

Love doesn’t have to fight to be seen, heard, or cared for. It doesn’t try to win your affection when it switches from one question to another when it dodges the question, “Does he want to be with you?”

You should never have to fight for someone to love you. Yes, relationships are hard sometimes, but basic care shouldn’t be something to fight for. It should just be given.

3. You will find someone else who truly appreciates you.

Настоящая любовь не будет  требовать у вас доказательств того, что вы ее достойны. Любящий человек просто чувствует это к вам, и ему не важно сколько у вас при этом недостатков, мы все не идеальны. Ваш человек будет знать вашу ценность, и вам не придется ничего делать или говорить, чтобы оправдаться перед ним или доказать своюособенность.

With the right person, you will understand why it didn’t work with anyone else. You will feel confident and safe, and you will understand that true love supports and encourages and does not contradict your desires; it is based on sincerity.

4. Life is too short to settle for half-hearted love.

The bottom line is that life is too short to settle for anything that isn’t amazing,-mind-blowing, happy, and crazy in love.  You may not find perfection, but you don’t have to, that’s the beauty of our imperfections and spontaneity. And yes, you won’t have a “perfect” relationship all the time, because it doesn’t happen; and that’s okay.

But when you are in a real relationship, not a superficial one, you will finally realize how stupid everything was before.

Does he treat you like a backup plan? Then remember this: don’t make him your priority, because you are worth infinitely more! Love yourself!

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