Relationship Advice: These Things I Realized After Dating A Toxic Man In 2025
From weird dates to those awful relationships, I have asked myself many times why I ended up in the situation I am in. Once I realized that the guys I was choosing were pretty toxic, I realized these 7 important things that I want to share with you.
1. I can’t be the only one who maintains the relationship
If I like a guy, I have no problem texting him first, asking him out, or even letting him know I want to date him. Sometimes that means I’m the one making the effort, and the guy never reciprocates.
I realized that if the relationship is going to work, I have to take a step back so the other person can play their part. If not, I have to move on. I don’t want it to be all about me.
2. Some people just don’t understand me
Whether it’s because I’m ambitious, creative, and enjoy my career. Or because I tend to ramble on about things I love, like health and pop culture, there are things about me that some guys don’t like. This implies that I must withdraw when I realize that this individual is not interested in me and may never be. Why would I want him?
3. I understand my feelings
If I feel like the guy I’m seeing isn’t right for me, I need to learn to trust that instinct. I am always able to discern when I am dissatisfied with a particular aspect of a relationship, which is a wonderful quality. There’s no point in lying to yourself and justifying someone else’s shortcomings and your own dissatisfaction with the current one. There’s no point in keeping something that isn’t worth your time.
4. You don’t need to think about everything for a long time
When I overthink a dating situation, I realize it only means one thing: this person is not right for me. If I have doubts, it means I’m not hooked.
The right man won’t make me worry 24/7 and wonder what he’s thinking or feeling. It’ll be obvious. And I’ll know how I feel about him too.
5. Test messages are important
On the one hand, sitting by the phone and waiting for him is the most stupid and thankless thing. It’s a waste of your time and an insult to a woman’s pride. On the other hand, if someone can’t send me an answer within a reasonable time, they’re probably not interested in me.
Girls, everything is simple in relationships—either you are needed by someone or not. If you do not receive news from him, via SMS or calls, then you are not that interesting to him. This is an important point that is worth paying attention to.
6. If things are bad between you, it will only get worse.
This is a life lesson that applies to more than just relationships. If a situation is really bad, you have two options: stay and wait for it to get worse, or leave and feel better.
Instead of continuing to date a toxic guy, I need to change and leave when there are clear signs of trouble.
And remember, the beginning tells the story of the end. If the first date was terrible, the rest will be too. Stop thinking that if you get to know him better, he will be more excited to meet you or will seem more interesting to you. Honestly, things should be fun and comfortable from the start.
7. Say no to rushing
The truth is, I know I have no idea when I’m going to meet the right guy. It could be on my next date. It could be in a month. It could be in a year. Rather than succumbing to the pressure of securing a happy relationship immediately, I will maintain my faith and remind myself that there’s no urgency. It’s going to happen when it’s supposed to. And that’s totally okay.
8. I will still have a chance to love
It’s very tempting for me to go on a third or fourth date with someone I like. I don’t necessarily have to be sure that the encounter will develop into something more. I try not to get hung up on the result because I know that my soulmate is waiting for me somewhere.
I don’t put myself in a time frame to find a partner. You shouldn’t see every man you meet as your chance to fall in love. I realized this after my unsuccessful relationships. I believe that I will get another chance to meet my love, and I don’t want to rush this event. Everything will unfold unexpectedly.