
Relationship Advice: The Main Secret Of Women Who Are Loved Is Sadly And Harshly!

The main secret of women who are loved is sad and stern!
Let’s discuss the mysterious type of women: “women who are loved.”. Why are they loved? What is so special about them? How do they motivate a man to love himself with all his heart? On the one hand, it seems that such a type of woman does not exist: everyone falls in love with the one who is personally needed. On the other hand, it is noticeable that such a type does exist: some women are easily and often loved, and even those men who are unrequitedly in love with other women.

The goods in this world, including such goods as love, are distributed unevenly (in proportion to abilities). That explains why some women receive love from numerous men at once while others receive no love. Sometimes it turns out that men, even without loving them, have the first woman in mind as a model and look for something similar, so their attention does not stop for long on the second woman.  That is, “women who are loved” spoil the cards for other women and turn many of them into “women for one time” or “several times.”.

Let’s take a look at these smart bitches, who, by the way, are most often no smarter or more beautiful than their less fortunate comrades.

Men who are asked about such special women say something like “She’s good to be around,” “She’s attractive,” or even “She has such energy” (these men are not psychologists; psychologists start to build theories). Some, of course, say “She’s smarter than others” or “She’s more beautiful,” but this is most often a subjective distortion since there are always objectively smarter and more beautiful women who, nevertheless, were not paid attention to.

In general, when talking about the attractiveness of women (and men too), we encounter the phenomenon of a certain “charm,” as if such people create a field around themselves in which you want to linger, to which you want to return, and from which it is difficult to leave.

It can be assumed that “women for one time” have a leaky or dirty field, and “women who are loved” have a dense and clean field in which you want to be.

However, if we introduce such slippery concepts as “clean and dirty fields,” we must understand very well that the field does not depend on some abstract otherworldly things but on the events of the past, present, and future. It is the plan of events that determines the state of the field, and nothing more. And not just events, but their interpretations, which are imprinted in the field.

Imagine a beehive or an anthill. These are complex organizations where the behavior of each member depends on all the others. Bees and ants transmit various signals to each other about what to do, how to be, what to do, what to escape from, and what to get.

Human society, more chaotic and disunited at first glance (this is not surprising because people are not only a pack but also individuals), is also subject to the laws of signal transmission.

What occultists call “aura” and “energy” consists mainly of the transmission of emotional states from person to person so that people can better navigate their society and choose productive relationships.

In addition to reason (when we consciously analyze something), we are controlled by many other functions of our mind (psychologists call them either the unconscious, emotional intelligence, or something else), and they are much more important since reason, for example, cannot cause desire in us, although it can reduce it (if we decide that it is dangerous, for example).

That is, all this “attraction” and “pull” towards a person is, for the most part, a recognition of his emotional state—emotional capital.

The unconscious layers of the psyche want to quickly orient a person as to who is more beneficial to be around, who will give pleasure, comfort, prestige, or security, and who will not, who is liked by other members of the pack, and who is not, who will bring bonuses, and who will take them away.

This is why the distribution of sympathy is so uneven: those who receive a little more sympathy become even more attractive and magnetic.

“Money to money”©

The more a woman is liked by men (both men by women and just people by people), the more her attractiveness grows, also known as charm, also known as magnetism.

This secret sounds stingy, sad, and harsh, but the essence lies in it. Magnetism (attraction, in other words) accumulates during a successful love experience and decreases during an unsuccessful one. Alas.

To start accumulating successful experience, of course, some more or less balanced and harmonious structure (appearance-character-status) is necessary, but it is not enough; the main thing is experience. It is an experience that forms that very mysterious field; it allows a person to feel himself and transmit such emotions to other people that many people want to be closer, think about him, and reach out to him—in a word—to love.

What I am writing about is not yet a pumping of resources, pumping gives not just a field but its rigid structure, which helps to maintain the field always and even in case of an accident to quickly restore, it gives not just an imprinted experience but a skill, that is, entire neural structures, however, a field is a good connection or some initial pumping of resources, usually image, sex, and love, if we are talking specifically about female (or male) romantic attractiveness.

Many people seem to “stick” to such people, and if people, on the contrary, have a strong deficiency (the difference between the desired and the actual), they stick, and if there is frustration (when there is little of the actual but there is no longer any of the desired), then they are simply closed; they no longer stick.

But if there is an excess (the desired is high, but the actual is a little more), they have an attraction for others. The level of such attractiveness can be different, situational: today a woman came and she is the queen of the ball; tomorrow, nothing like that. A field that does not rely on a well-pumped resource is unstable.

How does all this complex psychology, somewhat similar to esotericism (but it is not esotericism at all; it is field psychology—Sullivan, Perls, Lewin, and some of his followers) come true in life? What does it look like?

Most women are like this: from childhood, someone liked them, someone didn’t, often it didn’t match, then it matched with someone, there was an affair, it somehow ended, then another, there was a marriage, which also somehow ended or didn’t end. In general, the attractiveness of such women is average, not low, not high, different depending on the circumstances, but overall average.

Some women are like this: since childhood, no one particularly liked them, everyone they liked was not particularly attracted to them, and although their friends found them objectively attractive, somehow love did not work out and does not work out.

If such a woman suddenly received some internal or external stimulus and began to work on herself in terms of image, she often (not always) increased her attractiveness, became confident in her attractiveness, and began to have a positive experience, and with it, the general magnetism began to grow. But sometimes even an increase in objective beauty did not give such a woman anything. Beauty increased, but attractiveness did not.

Women stand apart; from childhood, they were used to being liked by everyone and always felt how to look, how to speak, and how to behave in order to charm a person: first the teacher in the first grade, then boys, then men, and sometimes everyone around.

Such women often think that it is their innate quality to be liked. They are not always beautiful, although such success in terms of charm often makes the resource image as beloved as the violin becomes beloved for someone who almost immediately manages to play it well and delight all the relatives at the holiday table.

That is why such women are often beautiful, well-groomed, and, in any case, almost never ugly: they like to work on their image. And they had at least some minimal physical attractiveness from the very beginning; that is why they accepted themselves. In general, they have a mutual relationship with the image resource. He loves them; they love him.

So, in life, it can all look very different. Several times I saw women whose image resource was perfectly connected and even pumped up to some extent; everyone adored them; they were self-confident, but due to difficult events in their personal lives and some trauma in love, they lost it all, sometimes forever.

It often happens that a woman who was very attractive in her youth and knew it worries and has complexes about her age so much and is so disgusting to herself as she ages that she loses all her charm. That is, she could continue to be attractive (well, maybe not to every passerby as before, but to those with whom she communicated personally), if she had not lost all self-confidence and turned into an unhappy creature, constantly reflecting on the topic of her age, which, of course, no one likes anymore, repels everyone.

Sometimes such women (beauties in the past) become freaks, undergo a lot of plastic surgeries, wear incredibly bright and provocative clothes to preserve their fading “charm,” maintain the level of sexual attention to themselves, and support and nourish their decrepit field.

The field, by the way, unlike the body, does not become decrepit from age but rather becomes decrepit from the loss of spontaneity and from glitches in self-esteem.

In short, the main task when moving from the point “one-time woman” to the point “woman who is loved” is the gradual accumulation of positive love experiencesthe experience will not appear when the woman changes (although this happens occasionally), but vice versa—the woman will change when the positive experience appears. This is a fundamentally different view of the problem; many are not accustomed to it.

Many people try to change something in themselves radically, on a psychological level, but this is practically impossible. The psychological state reflects experience. It is necessary to change experience, then internal changes will occur. From within, you can slightly reconfigure yourself like a compass, yes. This is useful, but it only makes sense simultaneously with the acquisition of experience.

Every gram of positive love experience will change the field and increase attractiveness.

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