
Relationship Advice: How Does Male Love Manifest Itself Or How Do Men Love?

How does male love manifest itself, or how do men love?
Well, what about it? Today’s agenda is an article about male love. I am more than sure that most of you don’t understand a damn thing about it. You were taught by sappy movies, divorced and abandoned girlfriends, and fucking morals about how a man should love. And what does male love look like in general?  And the facts are often hidden. 

What happens if you know for sure that you are loved? You will be at ease and self-assured, unaffected by relationship issues, and able to focus on achieving your objectives. I call it surrendering to your dream.

In short! This article is very important! This is the basis that you need to accept; otherwise, you will always doubt and whine that you are not loved.

How a man loves. Signs.

As you know, I am a man. Accordingly, I know how I love. Accordingly, I know how other men love.

I just know myself very well; I study myself; I observe my reactions. And then I see that other men are no different from me. We all have the same nature; let the psychologists shoot themselves proving the opposite, but we are the same! THE SAME!

We are one big herd living according to social laws. And most people pay attention to social signs of love. I want you to start paying attention to the NATURAL laws of love and our physiology.  This is what the article will be based on—human nature.

So, what are the signs of a man who truly and truly loves a woman?

1. He is close.
2. He speaks directly about love.
3. He knows how to forgive.
4. He thinks a lot about a woman.
6. He does not offend (does not humiliate, insult, etc.)
7. He cares!
8. admires and admires a woman.
9. Avoids other women.
10. Blows away dust particles.

Carefully read the signs of a loving man again. Oh, how beautiful they sound! How I want to believe in this rosy fairy tale because it is so beautiful! 


But in reality, all these signs were invented by women. I didn’t even bother to invent anything; I just copied them from several sites where girls wrote about how men love. I typed “Signs of a Loving Man” into Google, and the search engine gave me a bunch of pink articles on this topic.  Damn, specialists! 

Well, really—if you want to be unhappy in a relationship, ask a woman for advice! We cross out all this pink snot and read on.

All these signs only indirectly indicate a man’s feelings. They can be present in a loving man. And in a man who obeys social norms… They are not an indicator of love. They mean little in a biological sense.

We will return to the signs of male love a little later. Now let’s get into the male soul and see what’s going on there.

What does a loving man feel?

First, let’s look at this.  Your mistake is that you compare the feelings of a loving man with the feelings of a loving woman and expect these feelings from men!

Moreover, you not only wait for them. You also demand them. You ask a man to do the way a woman should feel. You get offended if men don’t do the way you want them to!  You make a woman out of a real man. And then you suffer from this asshole.

That is. Look, you love. And you think that a man should love you the same way as you love him. He should feel the same as you do.  But a man feels differently. That’s where the misunderstanding comes from; that’s where all the problems come from.

So, what does a loving man feel?

A loving man feels only one thing. It is a responsibility. A man’s love is a responsibility for a woman. No responsibility—no love.


What is the responsibility?

The man is responsible for:

  1. Women’s safety.
  2. For her appearance and health.
  3. For the continuation of the family line.

These are the 3 signs of true male love. This is true male love, genuine if you like. Natural! Evolutionary!

This is not the drool you are used to. This is not words of love; this is not sitting next to each other and holding hands. This is not blowing away dust particles. This is not constantly thinking about the woman you love. This is not admiring her and telling her fucking false compliments.

This is a responsibility for a woman. Responsibility implies love. Love implies responsibility. 

Now let’s make sure. Now everything will become clear to you. Your nature will say, “Yes! That’s how it really is!”

1. Women’s safety.

In a biological sense, any young woman is a future mother. That is why nature has built into male love—to protect from danger.

What is dangerous in our biological world? 


  • To be left without food.
  • To be left without a roof over one’s head.
  • Other men are dangerous!
  • Well, the predators themselves are already afraid of us.

How does this manifest itself in relationships?

To be left without food

The man feeds her and gives her money for food (gives her his salary card, poor thing). At least he is not against the woman managing the money. For a loving man, the money he earns is common money. His and hers. Not just his.

Some men may regard this as a weakness. Like, am I a henpecked husband to give all the money to a woman?  Or a man does not give all the money to a woman (hides a stash, bastard). Or for him, this is a problem, then this is a reason to think about his true love.

To be left without a roof over one’s head.

A loving man provides a woman with housing. Provided that he can do it. Well, not all men, unfortunately, have their own apartments. But a loving man is able to earn money for an apartment. 

Other men are dangerous!

This is jealousy. A loving man will be jealous. He will not necessarily follow and interrogate, but if you give him a reason, then his instinct will kick in and he will not be able not to react.


A loving man does not take his woman to zoos. It is damn dangerous! Just kidding, of course).

2. Responsibility for appearance and health.

Remember! A man who loves you will invest in your beauty and health. He will not be stingy with money and say, “Oh no, darling, this blouse is too expensive; let’s go choose something cheaper.”  He will do the opposite.

You say, “I need new boots.”
He says, “No problem, buy them!”
You say, “I need night cream for my face.”
He says, “Get away from me; buy yourself whatever you need.”

The guy will decorate her like a Christmas tree and make her beautiful. The most beautiful. And he won’t lie when he says that she is the most beautiful in the world!


Well, and health. A loving man will not bring his woman bags of gingerbread. Instead, he will say, “Stop eating this crap! It’s bad for you! Do you want to be a fat pig? Hey, you’ve already got a belly! Tomorrow you’ll go running with me!”

A loving man will force, ask, and negotiate so that his woman takes care of herself and is attractive. She won’t overeat, won’t be lazy, he will do sports with her, he will make her quit smoking and drinking, and he will make her healthy and beautiful. HEALTHY AND BEAUTY! Because he is responsible for it!

And most men make their girls sick and ugly. Because they don’t give a damn about them. They don’t care that they smoke cigarettes and drink beer. They don’t care that they overeat. They don’t care that they move little and have forgotten about development as such. When I see a fat girl, I understand that her man didn’t give a damn about her; otherwise, she wouldn’t be like that. He would throw out all the damn mayonnaise; he would feed her porridge and fruit instead of candy and cookies! He would squeeze everything out of her in the gym. And he degrades together with her in front of the idiot box. What the hell kind of love is this? There’s not even a hint of it here! 

3. Responsibility for procreation.

If a man delays conception, then he does not truly love. Yes, he may be afraid of the unknown. Yes, he may be afraid of losing some freedom. But a loving man unconsciously strives to get offspring from the object of his love.

Even if the woman is against it or there are other circumstances. I don’t care! If he loves, then during sex he will simply grab the girl by the hair and say, “I want your children.” And cum in her. And he will not let her have an abortion! Never and for nothing!

I would tell my beloved girl to have an abortion! But to the unloved one, it’s easy! Do you smell it? How much unlove is in the air in our sinful world!

The standard of love—a man will want more and more children from you. You give birth, and he is already thinking about the next one. Then he will love you and will be the best father and husband.  The more children, the more he loves. It’s a fact! 

If your man has given you one child (and that was by accident; that’s just how it happened), and he doesn’t need more children, then this shows that he doesn’t need you that much.

According to social laws, he is obliged to be a family man; he has to raise a child, but he has no feelings for you! It’s just a habit that he will soon get sick of. He obeys society and, perhaps, would have left you long ago if it weren’t for the morality of society. 

From an evolutionary perspective, when you are conceived by one man, you are out of danger to other men. That is, no one will take you away! That is why a man has a burning desire to have children with a woman he truly, truly loves!

Male love.

In all this, other behavior is just background. 

If all three factors of responsibility are observed, then the man loves. And he can behave differently in other areas. And you can mistakenly consider this indifference to yourself. Or selfishness.

A man can get high on his muscles.
He can disappear at work for days.
He can forget to call.  Or even worse, he can forget about your birthday or wedding date.

He may forget about the pleasant words that you demand from him.
He may not even help you with something.  But this is all background. The background and your expectations. 

True love lies in responsibility for your woman. And nothing more. Whether you want it or not. But this is the essence of male love. 


How responsible is your man for your safety, appearance, and health, and does he want children? Think about it carefully. It will enlighten you.

Remember your ex-boyfriends. What responsibility did they take on for you? Were there any who truly loved you? How exactly did it manifest itself? Think about it as you go to bed. Feel male love on all levels of consciousness and subconsciousness.
May love be with you! Good luck! Proud…

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