Relationship Advice: 9 Uncomfortable Signs You’ve Found The Love Of Your Life
9 Awkward Signs You’ve Found the Love of Your Life. Why awkward? Because sometimes it’s embarrassing to admit it even to yourself…
1. He makes you admit your flaws (which you’d rather ignore).
You don’t like to admit that you’re constantly forgetful or that you’re impatient, but it’s true, and when you meet the person you’re most likely to be with forever, they bring out those flaws in you in a way that helps you accept them. They help you work on them, and in doing so, you become a better person.
2. He makes you realize that sometimes it’s okay to not be okay.
If a person doesn’t run away from you, even when you’re at your worst, then he loves you and won’t go anywhere. You can be sad, anxious, angry, or depressed, but he doesn’t try to solve your problems—he’s just there. And you don’t have to pretend to make things good between you.
He doesn’t force you to be perfect. He’s there for you even when you’re not, and he helps you realize that you’re not meant to be that way, that you’ll never be that way, and that’s okay. He loves you imperfectly.
3. You are both a little scared.
You are both afraid that the beautiful thing that is between you may end. You are afraid, but it does not stop you, and you continue to fight so that it does not end. Because when you are both afraid, it means that you have something to cherish.
4. When you convince yourself that he will leave, but he doesn’t.
He always lets you know he loves you. And he lets you know he’s not going anywhere. Even when you find it hard to believe him, his actions dispel all your doubts, and you have no choice but to just believe.
He makes you realize that the reason he stays is because he loves you and everything about you, even the things you don’t love about yourself.
5. You argue, but always with respect.
Your relationship is not always rosy. You also quarrel; you also have something that irritates you each other, but you never do or say anything disrespectful.
6. You motivate each other.
You doubt a lot of things; you don’t want to get out of your comfort zone, but in a relationship, you will motivate each other to do it. You will motivate each other to raise the bar you set for yourself and always try to be better. Because you are together.
7. Each of you has independence that you enjoy.
You love each other—there is no doubt about it—but that does not mean that your world revolves only around your relationship. You both have your own lives, hobbies, interests, and places to go, not necessarily together.
And that’s okay. You’re part of his world; he’s part of yours. But you both understand that you don’t have to be together all the time, and that’s okay.
8. You miss him when he is not around.
Even though you can be apart, you still miss each other. You are happy to come home because you know that he is waiting for you there.
9. You find compromises.
You learn to compromise on things that are not particularly important to you because this person is important to you. You don’t settle for less, but you are ready to compromise on issues that are more important to your chosen one.
And when you realize that if it weren’t for him, you wouldn’t have done it, then you’ve found your person.
These were 9 uncomfortable signs that you’ve found the love of your life.