
Relationship Advice: 6 Signs You’re In A Relationship With A Man-Child

6 Signs You’re in a Relationship with a Childish Man Consider whether you’re in a relationship with someone you have to constantly carry around in your life, rather than a real partner you can rely on.

1. He never cleans up after himself.

He always creates a mess around. You are constantly picking up his food scraps, clothes, etc. A real man cleans up after himself, that’s all. Of course, we all forget sometimes, but the difference with a child-man is that he expects you to clean up after him 24/7.

He expects to be treated like a needy child and you to be his servant. Stop cleaning up after him. Instead, clean up your life and get rid of him.

2. He lacks ambition and motivation.

Why worry about progressing in life when you have food on the table… No career goals, no dreams, no plans for the future.

While it is perfectly normal to take some time to think about a plan of action for the future to create something truly worthwhile, if he does this for many years without results, then this cannot be considered progress.

3. He is extremely selfish.

Of course, being with a guy who values ​​his youth and wants to have fun can be a positive thing; after all, life is something to be enjoyed.

But most of the time, it’s for his selfish benefit, like most things he does in general. For God’s sake, he’s even selfish in bed!

4. He never takes responsibility for his mistakes.

Even if you show him evidence of his bad deeds, he will change everything to become the victim. And once you accept his victim status, he will try to make you apologize for blaming him in the first place.

5. He is afraid of commitment.

For a man-child, it is always too early for commitments. He has never had to do anything serious in his life because he is afraid of responsibility.

A child man will come up with a million excuses not to commit to you, and you know perfectly well that you don’t have time for such games. Move on, and don’t waste any more precious energy and time.

6. He never makes plans for the two of you.

Since he’s only focused on himself, you’re likely the one arranging quality time for the couple. Of course, this doesn’t necessarily mean he doesn’t like you or that he doesn’t have feelings for you; it’s just that his priorities are more important than the overall good of the relationship.

And this is a clear sign that the relationship is in a deep hole.

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