12 Things That Make A Man Instantly Lose Interest In A Woman!
12 things that make a man instantly lose interest in a woman! And some of these things are quite common for many women! A woman can do this even subconsciously, thereby pushing a man away. There are several things that a woman can do, even subconsciously, that will push a man away. Here they are:
1 To be desperate.
What men call desperation is usually just genuine interest. What’s wrong with telling someone what you feel, think, or want? However, in the world of relationships, men are wary of such pushy interest. Instead, they need to leave room for mystery so that he is interested in getting to know the woman further.
2. Act like a fool.
Many women mistakenly believe that the image of a silly or naive woman attracts men. In fact, for serious relationships, men choose smart and mature ones.
3 Talking about your ex.
In a new relationship, you can’t talk nicely about your ex. Even if he asks, give short answers. You still have many better topics to talk about.
4: Being too pliable.
Women who give in to a man in everything are not confident in themselves; they are afraid that if they do not indulge him in everything, he will find another. But if a man does not lift a finger for a woman, he will not be interested. And why would a woman need such a person?
5. Do everything for him.
A man wants a wife, not a second mother. He doesn’t want a woman to do everything and decide for him.
6: Demanding too much from him.
No one should be forced to do anything. If a woman starts commanding a man and expecting him to do what she wants, it may not last long.
7: Be someone you are not.
Many women think that they have to make a man earn her love. Be yourself and respect yourself, and he will love you for who you really are.
8 Confuse him.
This is hell for a man. If you say that he can safely hang out with his friends, then don’t get angry and say that he didn’t understand that you didn’t really want it. Say what you think and act accordingly.
9 Gossip.
Men are not attracted when a woman allows herself to make negative, derogatory comments about other people.
10: Be late.
Once is okay, twice is bearable, but most men will not tolerate it as a habit. You need to try to be punctual.
11: Become his clone.
It’s fine if it’s natural. But if you try to please him by pretending to like the same things he likes: music, food, hobbies, he’ll soon see through this pretense, and he won’t like it. He wants to love you for who you are.
12: Be petty.
Yes, he is a man and will pay for most things on your dates.
But he will be pleased if you offer to take on the expenses from time to time. He may not agree, but he will appreciate it and understand that you are not just using him.
These were 12 things that make a man instantly lose interest in a woman!