20 Things That Kill Relationships. Just remember Them. A list of things that destroy any, even seemingly strong, relationships between a man and a woman. Love is not what they show in the movies. It does not consist of romantic dates and kisses under the moon. Happy relationships are work based on mutual respect and patience. But harmony is easy to break. So here are 20 things that destroy relationships:
1. Trying to change each other
There are no ideal people. But do not confuse habits and character traits. There are things that a person cannot change in himself, no matter how much you reproach him. Therefore, do not confuse socks scattered around the house (a habit) and an umbrella lost for the fifth time this season (absent-mindedness is a character trait).
2. Meeting the parents
It’s good if you know the parents of your other half (and she/he knows yours). It’s even better when they are friends. Unfortunately, this is not always the case. The son-in-law may not be liked by the potential mother-in-law, and the daughter-in-law may not appeal to the future mother-in-law, but this should not affect the relationship within the couple. Do not allow disrespect for your choice, and do not drag your beloved to family dinners. They promise nothing but a spoiled mood.
3. Mobile phone
It’s amazing how quickly gadgets have turned from helpers into home wreckers. Instead of enjoying communication with our loved ones, we chat on the phone, text, and surf social networks. Of course, sometimes there are really important things to do, but in the end, there is nothing more important than a loved one.
4. Public reproaches
Never, do you hear me, never sort things out in public places. You will embarrass not only your partner but also those around you. No matter how much your blood boils, no matter how much you want to dot all the i’s here and now, do it only face to face.
5. Quarrels
Disagreements are inevitable. Sooner or later, any couple finds stumbling blocks. Moreover, this is normal. Quarrels are part of a happy relationship. But on one condition. Do not cross the line. Do not insult each other, do not put your resentment above your partner, and remember that there is no conflict that cannot be resolved through compromise.
6. Silence
No one can read your mind. Not even your loved one. Got a problem? Say it. Don’t like something? Speak up. Expressing emotions, both positive and negative, is the key to psychological health.
7. No forgiveness
Everyone makes mistakes. And you too. Learn to forgive your loved ones. Don’t hold grudges inside, and don’t accumulate them. This will not only save your relationshipbut also help you avoid unwanted stress. Psychologists have long noticed that grudges have a negative impact on a person’s health.
8. Wrong time, wrong place
Important issues need to be discussed in the right environment and at the right time. You shouldn’t start a conversation about, for example, moving after a hard day at work. Monosyllabic answers andand faceless nods are not a sign of indifference. Your partner is simply tired and doesn’t have the strength for a discussion. Put off the conversation for later.
9. Finance
Relationships imply that you not only takebut also give. However, you should not be petty, especially in financial matters. Agree on the main things: how to run the household, pay bills, and and distribute the budget. But do not allow phrases like, “On weekends we go to the cinema, but you pay, since I paid last time.”
10. Turning a fly into an elephant
Nobody is perfect. Did he forget to take out the trash? Did she burn your shirt? Did he buy the wrong yogurt? Did she not pay for the Internet? Believe me, all this is so stupid that it is not even worth your attention, let alone emotions. Don’t make a mountain out of a molehill.
Instead, take a walk (and throw out the trash). Laugh at the hole in your shirt, because it’s high time to buy a new one. Try the “wrong” yogurt; maybe this one tastes even better? Light some candles and spend a romantic evening without the Internet…
11. Espionage
Love is built on trust. Trust your other half. Your loved one can (and should) have personal space. Respect it. Don’t read text messages, don’t look at emails, and and don’t go through pockets. All this hurts love and destroys relationships.
12. Jealousy
Some people think that jealousy is a sign of love; others think think that it is selfishness and disrespect. Shakespeare even called jealousy a monster that conceives and gives birth to itself. In any case, both suffer from it: one is tormented by suspicions, the other is offended by distrust. How to deal with this? Just be honest—doot give and do not look for reasons for jealousy.
13. Excessive calmness
Have you noticed that when people find a partner and everything is going well, they start to gain weight? Harmony and peace in a relationship aree wonderful. But this is not a reason to stop taking care of yourself. Do you want your partner to lose interest in you? Doesn’t your loved one deserve to be proud of your beauty?
If you see that the problem has matured (one might even say, has grown) in your loved one, buy a gym membership… for both of you.
14. Comparisons
Forget about your exes. They are in the past. There is new love in the present. And it is easy to destroy it if you compare your partner with ex-passions.
15. Together 24 hours a day
“They are the perfect couple—theyo everything together!” – Every timeou hear such exclamations, you can’t help but smile sarcastically. How long will they be together? A person pspsychophysiologicallyeeds solitude. Do not strive to spend every minute with your loved one. On the contrary, the less time you spend communicating, the more valuable it is.
16. Lie
Lies, like water, can wash away the foundation of any, even the strongest union. You can follow Dr. House’s pprinciple—”eies”—but not w but not when communicating with your loved one. Speak honestly if the soup is slightly undersalted or you don’t like the dress you were given, and learn to adequately perceive such truth addressed to you.
17. Lying to yourself
Sometimes relationships fail not because we lie to our partner, bpartnerse we are not honest enough with ourselves. Is this the person I want to grow old with? Do I want to give myself to this relationship? Until you honestly answer these questions, you will not achieve harmony in your relationship.
18. Lack of self-confidence
The lower your self-esteem, the more insecure your partner feels. Don’t let complexes give rise to questions: did I choose the right person? What can he/she give me if he/she doesn’t believe in himself/herself? The opposite is also ttrue—runaway from someone who asserts himself/herself at your expense and makes you feel worthless.
19. Objectives
What will happen next? Where will your relationship lead? You should know for sure whether your goals coincide with your partner’s plans. Perhaps he/she is not at all inclined to get married in the near future, while you are already dreaming of a family. Do not hesitate to ask these ququestions,nd do not be afraid to break off a hopeless relationship.
20. Love as a given
It is believed that people love not forsomething;, they love just like that. That is true. But this “medal” also has a flip side—love cannot be taken for granted. Love is a gift of fate. Be grateful to the person who is next to you for his feelings.