
How to Understand That a Man is Lying to You. Honest Advice from a Guy!

How to Tell if a Man is Lying to You. Honest Advice from a Guy!
Not every guy will lie to you about important things; making up little things can be the worst crime he is guilty of. But some are inherently dishonest and cannot help but lie to you at every turn. Such relationships turn into continuous lies. Although it is almost impossible to spot liars from the very beginning, there are some warning signs of dishonesty that you should pay attention to.

How to understand that a man is lying to you?

1. He doesn’t go into details.

Most guys tend to be aware that when they lie, they think it’s better to say less rather than more. But in reality, it’s the lack of detail that makes them doubt the veracity of what they heard. 

If he’s lying, he’ll say as little as possible and try not to get bogged down in details. Honestly, it partly depends on his personality. If he’s quiet and reserved and doesn’t usually go into details, don’t assume he’s always lying. But if a guy who’s usually verbose stops talking a lot, there’s probably a reason. Chances are, he’s either lying or leaving something out.

2. It repeats itself

How do you know if a guy is lying to you? Many guys try to keep their words short. They say something once and don’t feel the need to repeat themselves. This can change when a guy is lying. 

If he’s trying to get you to believe a lie, he’ll keep saying it in the hopes that the repetition will convince you. This behavior is a little out of character for most guys, which makes it suspicious.

3. History is constantly changing

If he keeps telling the same story, pay close attention to whether any of the details have changed. The thing is, lying requires creativity because you’re not just retelling events that happened. This can make it difficult to maintain consistency. Even small changes in the story can tip you off that he’s lying.

4. His smile looks different

I think we all know that not every smile means the same thing. If you know him well, you should know what his smile looks like when he is genuinely happy. This smile is probably different from the smirk or nervous smile he has to hide the fact that he is lying. 

It may be a subtle difference, but most men have a sly and cunning smile that they accidentally show when they are lying.

5. He seeks salvation

Lying is a bit like committing a crime. Most guys know better than to hang around on stage after a performance. When a guy lies, he’ll try his best to get out of the situation. Sometimes that means just changing the subject, but it can also mean walking out of the room after he’s lied. Beware of guys who want to run away, because they may just be dishonest.

6. No eye contact

If you Google it, you’ll find out there’s science behind it. People who know they’re lying tend to avoid eye contact. Again, it can vary from person to person, but if they usually make eye contact and now they’re constantly looking away and getting confused, that’s usually not the reason.

7. He insists he is not lying.

When a guy frequently says the phrase “I’m not lying,” it’s usually a sign that he’s lying. This is another sign that he’s trying too hard to convince you of something. This is a classic case of overcompensation.

8. It’s your fault that you didn’t believe him.

Men who are used to lying are skilled in their deceit. They often try to convince you and make you look bad because you don’t believe them.

Keep in mind that it is usually the cocky and confident men who try this. You know the type; he will try to act innocent when in reality he is just doubling down on a lie, which is something that people who are telling the truth usually do not do.

9. He often stutters and gets confused.

As I mentioned earlier, lying requires creativity. Sometimes this means he will stop and start a lot when he is lying to you. 

He may smirk and raise his voice as he tries to figure out what to say next. This is usually not a problem when you are repeating the truth. Of course, if he is a well-trained liar, he will be able to do this without much pausing and nervous stuttering. But for the rest of us, pauses can be a sign that we are not being completely honest.

10. He avoids direct questions.

The only thing men often do in these situations is to avoid direct questions. They even try to avoid simple questions when they are trying to avoid being punished for lying. They will never be honest with you. 

They will answer your question with another question or try to rephrase yours. Trust me when I say that any difficulty answering a direct question is a sign that the guy is lying to you.

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