When you try to flirt with a girl, there’s the right way and the wrong way.
But whatever way you choose, the girl immediately knows you’re hitting on her and she knows you want to go out with her.
So you’re going to have to hope that her first impression of you is a good one.
Unless the girl you like is interested in going out or looking for a potential date mate herself, there’s a good chance that she’d shut herself up for any advances as soon as she realizes you’re flirting with her.
Now you may know that you’re a great guy, but really, she still doesn’t know that for sure just yet.
Flirting on first impression is a game of chance, and however good you may be, there’s always a chance for misinterpretation and failure unless she’s already interested in flirting with you.
How to flirt with a girl the friend way
As you’ve read in the introduction, you really need to make a girl wonder about your intention and rouse her curiosity if you want to make her like you back.
Here are ten tips on how to flirt with a girl that can definitely help you leave an impression on her and make her like you at the same time. You don’t have to go out with guns blazing, play it subtle to start with and work your flirting around the way she reciprocates to your moves.
#1 Be the best man you can be
You can’t cheat your way through this step. The world is full of great guys who want to be with the best women they can find. If you want the girl you like, you need to be worth her effort. Even before you flirt with her, you need to make a real man out of yourself. Be the man who can attract attention from women and you’ll realize that wooing the best girls around you is way easier than you can imagine.
#2 Compliment her the right way
Is she looking particularly good today, or has she done something with her hair? If you like a girl, odds are, you’ll notice these signs almost immediately. If you like something about her, compliment her about it, be it her dress or her hair.
But if you want to tread into the dating ground and make her remember your compliment, you need to use your words well. Don’t say the obvious statement when you’re trying to compliment her. Try to get memorable and personal with your compliments without crossing the line. Here are two ways of complimenting the same thing.
Nice tee shirt! – Gosh, you look so beautiful.
Nice perfume – You smell so good today…
You can always compliment a girl about her tee shirt or her perfume directly, but by getting personal with it, you’re creating a memory for her. The next time she uses that perfume, she’s going to remember what you said. And that’s the first step to paving your way into her heart.
Saying “your skin is so soft… does it feel the same way all over?” or “nice tee shirt… I love the way it fits your body” may seem personal, but it also borders on creepy. Save these sexual compliments for later, when she wants to hear them.
#3 Get some alone time with her
Flirting is best indulged in when it’s just the both of you. You can show off your flirting skills around a group of girls and guys, but you won’t be able to create an impression on the girl you like, because she’ll never think it’s special. After all, if you’re going to flirt with every girl you meet, how will the girl you like ever feel like you’re treating her in a special manner?
Indulge in a bit of humorous flirting when there are people around, but save all your special compliments and “you make my day” lines when it’s just the both of you. When you’re flirting with a girl, make her feel more special than anyone else, and she’ll think about your conversation a lot longer.
#4 Girls like a funny bone
A sense of humor is a great quality to have for a conversation. If you don’t think you’re a funny or witty guy, don’t fret. Just grin for starters. Girls love a guy with whom they can have a fun time. You don’t need to memorize a thousand one liners to seem funny. Just remember an incident you came across or talk about the things around you.
If you want to get a sense of humor, start to see the lighter side in everything you do. Enjoy your life and always stay positive and cheerful. A good sense of humor always accompanies a guy who can see the bright side of everything, and shares his funny thoughts with the people around him.
#5 Tease her now and then
While flirting may seem like a lot of work, it’s all about the little details that matter. Flirting isn’t just about mouthing a few lines laced with sexuality. It’s the way you behave around each other, be it having a laugh or indulging in a bit of touchy feely flirting.
If you can have a fun conversation with her, you’re already flirting! It’s as simple as that. But to push the friendly banter into dating grounds, you need to tease her and pull her leg now and then, when she slips or does something funny.
#6 Play with dirty conversations
The first five steps are perfect for creating a flirty environment for both of you. It’s just friendly and casual. But once you get past that, both of you would be close enough to take the kiddie flirting to the next step.
Whenever you get some alone time or are speaking to her on the phone, learn to mix your conversations. By now, both of you would have warmed up to flirting with each other, so you don’t really have to be worried about crossing the line now and then. Pass a few sexual remarks or ask a few questions that border on personal space every now and then. Even if she tells you to shut it in jest, you’ll still be making a great impression.
#7 Get touchy feely
No flirting is ever complete without a few sexy touches now and then. Every now and then, try to find an excuse to touch her, be it her new earrings, her strand of hair that’s caught in the wind, or while crossing a busy street. And each time you touch her, let your hands linger just a bit longer than required. She’ll sense your hand lingering and she’ll love it, just as long as you’ve been working your flirty magic on her.
#8 Ask her out often
Once in a while, when you’re flirting with her, ask her out to a movie or lunch the next day. The best time to pop this question would be when you’re just about to say goodbye, or when you’re text flirting. You don’t have to sound serious about it at all. By ending the conversation abruptly, you’ll make her wonder if you genuinely asked her out or if you were just joking. And as always, these little details rouse curiosity and excitement.
The next day, you can remind her about your date, and again don’t sound too serious about it. If she just laughs about it, laugh along and talk about something else. She may be unsure if you’re joking or serious, or she may not be willing to take the plunge just yet.
If she actually responds in your favor and accepts, woo hoo! But if she declines, laugh it off as a joke. But make a mental note to work harder on impressing her while flirting with her.
#9 Make those late night calls
The night has a funny way of awakening our sexuality. Any two friends who indulge in long conversations with each other at this bewitching hour can assure you of this one. If you want to know how to flirt with a girl and make her like you, start calling her up or texting her late into the night and have your flirty conversations.
The relaxed late night conversations will soon evolve into a mutual attraction that will easily cross the boundaries of friendship in no time, just as long as you use these flirty conversation tips.
#10 Let her see you as a dating potential
You may have created an attraction and a strong sexual chemistry between both of you, but you’re not done just yet. She may enjoy your conversations and secretly like you already, but to flirt with a girl and make her want to go out with you, you need to let her see you as a dating potential.
During a few conversations with her, drop a few hints that you’re looking out for a girlfriend or are interested in going out with someone. If she’s single or in a bad relationship, she’ll involuntarily think about both of you together, especially if it’s one of those late night calls.
Once you know how to flirt with a girl the right way by playing it safe and taking one little step beyond friendship each time, you’ll see that flirting with any girl you like doesn’t always have to be a game of chance and hope. Use these subtle flirting tips and flirt with any girl you want the friend way!