
10 Phrases Men Say When They Cheat

10 Phrases Men Say When They Cheat. Unfortunately, cheating is a very common occurrence, especially on the part of men. After all, they are so trusting, and women, the seductresses, are so insidious!  

But be that as it may, being in the place of a “cheated woman” is not a pleasant feeling.  Therefore, it is worth preparing a little in advance so that, according to him, you can predict possible betrayal and act accordingly.

If you haven’t “caught” him yet

*She’s just a friend.
*Respect my privacy (read: Don’t go through my phone/laptop).

*Are you cheating on me? (A typical case is that those who cheat themselves suspect their partners of similar cheating.).

*You’re wrong/not good enough… (and then total criticism of all your actions).  *Oh, I can wash my own clothes.

*I need to stay late; I have a lot of work.

If a man is caught cheating

*I still love you and want to be with you.
*I didn’t mean to hurt you.

*I didn’t want/was afraid to lose you.
*She means nothing to me.

No matter what a man says, a man is given away by his eyes! However, it is worth noting that in some cases they are as innocent as a child’s.

We believe that you yourself will feel where the manipulation is and where it is just your fears. Has your loved one ever cheated on you? How did he explain it later?

10 Phrases Men Say When They Cheat
10 Phrases Men Say When They Cheat

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