With the daylight slowly dwindling away with every passing day, August can feel like a bittersweet month. There is simultaneously plenty to look forward to while many things come to a close – we’re entering the second half of the year already! Up above us, the planets and stars are busy in movement, as Mercury returns to direct motion on the 16th of August, which means any miscommunications you’ve had at the beginning of the month might find a solution on their own. Isn’t it lovely when problems just solve themselves?
Our planet of love, Venus, will move from Virgo to Libra on the 17th, spelling interesting dilemmas for both of these signs when it comes to their love lives, but the summer heat should prove steamy. Jupiter will be aligning with Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune, which could offer periods of spirituality and reflection to the signs that need it the most. It can be challenging to step away from stress when it’s consuming your life, which is why a break from the world might be the breath of fresh air you need. Why not find yourself a body of water to cleanse yourself from the humidity and your worries?
It won’t be long before autumn is knocking on our door, so while some signs might feel like time is escaping them, others need to enjoy the happiness this month will likely bring their way. Here is your monthly relationship, love, and lifestyle horoscope for August!
24Leo: It’s Your Birthday Month, And It Sounds Like Venus Wants To Treat You To A Present Or Two… Or Ten
The New Moon will enter your sign on the 5th, which could herald a new beginning, bringing forth a new focus on your own personal desires. While focusing on yourself might sound right up your alley, that isn’t the end of the good news; with Venus in Virgo during the first half of the month, money will be easier to come by than usual.
Can you say shopping spree?
While you may feel the urge to treat yourself to a few overpriced presents since it is the time of year for your birthday, be careful not to blow your budget!
23Leo Love Horoscope: The Sun-Jupiter Square Won’t Do You Any Favors This Month With Its Egocentric Energy
You know you’re a great catch, but your love interest is looking for humility over arrogance during this summer heat wave, so be mindful of how the Sun-Jupiter square will affect you. The trine between Venus and retrograde Mars on the 7th will lighten up your energy, however, and you will become very approachable. You will be noticed by a new love interest with plenty of chemistry sizzling between you, or you and your partner will relax after a period of conflict. A date with soft candlelight and romantic music is on your horizon if you play your cards correctly, and it will lead to a passionate encounter.
22Virgo: Only One Thing Will Hold You Back From Coming Out Of Your Shell After A Long Period Of Reflection
With the sun moving into Virgo on the 23rd, a time of reflection will come to an end, and you might feel more willing to interact with others. If you feel a little less introverted and more charming, seize the moment, because the end of the month will bring you anxiety and fear; Saturn will be in Taurus, so enjoy the positivism while you can, and than move into a reevaluation of your life.
It will be wise to focus on yourself rather than start a new project, especially when you will likely leave August filled with thoughts of confusion.
If your anxiety becomes too severe, you will move back into a period of reflection.
21Virgo Love Horoscope: As Long As You Avoid Becoming Stuck In A Rut, This Is Your Month For Romance
While spontaneity and impulsiveness have never been your forte, you might need to find some if you want to have the elusive summer fling you’ve been desiring or rekindle the passion between you and your partner. If you get stuck in a rut and stay there this month when the sun enters your sign, you will find disappointment in your love life. If you are able to remain attentive to what the other person needs, Mars in Capricorn will create a sensible dating atmosphere. Try to do something out of your comfort zone, and you might end up being swept off your feet.
20Libra: You Should Look Forward To Endless Opportunities As You Spend Time Caring For Others
Your ruler, Venus, will remain in Virgo until it re-enters your sign on the 17th. During the first half of the month, you will find yourself caring for others constantly without much thought for yourself. This will bring you ample amounts of joy, however, because caring for others is your natural element.
Be careful not to burn out!
Jupiter will continue to remain in Libra until October, meaning you need the energy to continue excelling during this period of growth and development. Helping others is helping yourself, which is why you’ll feel bubbly and happy by the end of August; this is a brilliant month for you.
19Libra Love Horoscope: Be Careful Not To Confuse Caring For Someone With Being In Love During Retrograde Neptune
You will be spending plenty of time this month caring for others, and it may lead to some confused feelings. Helping others can lead to a sensation of happiness that might be mixed with romantic inklings, which could leave you puzzled and insecure when it comes to your relationships. Don’t assume a caring gesture will lead to a romantic relationship. While you will be in your element when Venus floats into your sign during August, you will need to balance your love life with everything else, unless you want to hit turbulence that could cause permanent damage.
18Scorpio: Your Career And Public Image Will Enter The Spotlight This Month, Creating More Responsibility For You To Handle
The New Moon entering Leo on the 5th is linked to the sector of your chart which reflects your career; don’t waste time on personal matters when your career has a chance to skyrocket if you seize the responsibility. Saturn is here for a two year period, meaning any hard work you’ve put in should be rewarded soon, but only if you have prepared yourself for this moment.
It is the time for your greatest success!
While it may put a strain on your personal relationships, you’ll have to step up to the plate to find a balance. If you are lazy during this important period in your life, you could lose everything you have worked for.
17Scorpio Love Horoscope: If Your Summer Romance Was Blooming, It’s About To Fall Apart
You will be given inside information about someone’s feelings for you, and you must be careful not to take them in a negative way. A square between Venus and retrograde Mars this month will leave you off balance with shaken confidence. You’re not used to being insecure about where you stand with someone, which is why you should take a step back from romantic relationships this month to focus on your career, which will lead to greater success later in the year with your love life. It isn’t your year for a happy summer fling to come to a grand end… it will likely fizzle out, leaving you hurt.
16Sagittarius: The Focal Point Of This Summery Month Will Be Your Health
The arrival of Saturn suggests any traveling you do in the next few years won’t be for leisurely fun, but instead more serious matters such as education or business.
As you are moving into a time of work and responsibility, frustration may begin to build up in your life, which is why a newfound focus on your health is crucial.
You will likely begin a new fitness or health regime and you will put any extra energy you have to spare into this new routine.
It will help you work off the building tensions you find rising in your life.
15Sagittarius Love Horoscope: Embarrassing And Awkward Moments Will Be At An All-Time High
Until the end of the month when a sun-Uranus trine will boost your self-confidence, you will want to take a step back from any romantic pursuits. You will find yourself crossing lines and confusing your personal limitations this month, causing embarrassing misunderstandings and awkward silences that leaves a sour taste in your partner or love interest’s mouth. While you might be able to laugh about these awkward situations eventually, your confidence will be low until the last few days of August, so keep a low profile when it comes to dating until you’re more comfortable in your own skin.
14Capricorn: While Discipline Might Not Usually Be A Challenge For You, Be Prepared For The Universe To Begin Testing You
The arrival of Saturn, your ruler, for the next couple years will place a heavier responsibility on your personal assets and income.
The New Moon is giving you a chance this month to prepare for a solution, as borrowing money will become increasingly hard.
This will be challenging as Mars will spend the next six months in Taurus, and the powerful planetary energy will make your interests wane more towards playing than working. While you may not be the type to overindulge, you will be tested for the next six months, so use August to create a plan for your budget.
13Capricorn Love Horoscope: An Unusual Burst Of Spontaneity From You Will Spice Things Up
This will be a good month for you when it comes to love. Not only will you find some closure from a past romantic interest, but Venus entering Libra will be a wonderful thing for you. You will loosen your structure when it comes to love and go with the flow a little more. Whether you develop a new summertime crush or your longtime partner begins to be more loving towards you, you will discover magical things happening to you as you let go of your rigid grip on your life. It won’t last forever, so enjoy your relaxed frame of mind while it lasts.
12Aquarius: You’re About To Discover Which Relationships Will Last Forever And Which Ones Were Never Meant To Be
The New Moon in Leo on the 5th is in the area of your chart connected with your partner or your closest relationships, which will make August an emotional month for you.
You will be given opportunities to create new beginnings with old relationships, but you might be forced to initiate a clean slate with someone who means a lot to you.
Saturn will place a heavy demand on your closest relationships, strengthening your strongest partnerships and destroying the weaker ones. This will be a time of great tension and many tests, as your loved ones are forced to decide to stick with you through tough times or not.
11Aquarius Love Horoscope: You Will Struggle To Communicate This Month, So Less Time Together Is Better
The relationship between retrograde Mars and Uranus this month suggests you will be feeling a little more negative than usual. You might find yourself saying cynical things you don’t mean, and you could learn the hard way that if you have nothing nice to say, you shouldn’t say anything at all. If you’re single, you will enjoy and benefit from staying away from any romantic encounters. If you’re in a relationship, some space apart focusing on work or personal hobbies will be healthy for you and your loved one. Your plans will also fall through this month, so be prepared to face frustration.
10Pisces: Struggles May Arise In Your Work Environment, But It Is Time For You To Combat This By Being Assertive About Your Opinions
If you have struggled with an issue at the workplace recently, a resolution is on the horizon.
However, this will bring about new responsibilities, and your efforts may go unnoticed and unheralded during this period.
The key to your success is perseverance; while you may feel frustrated during this month, stay focused on your goal, and your perseverance will pay off in the long term. The New Moon also suggests you will find solace in a new health regime, which will help you exercise off excess frustration and tension caused by your work environment. This is a time for you to learn the importance of discipline, but you will find success at work if you are more vocal about your opinions!
9Pisces Love Horoscope: This Month Has Love In Store For You, But Only If You Focus On What You Need
Love is in the air for you this month, especially with Venus visiting Libra. This suggests you will be brought to tears by a romantic gesture you weren’t expecting. While being surprised by love could be the highlight of your month, don’t lose sight of your reclusive nature, especially with an emotional moon passing through towards the end of the month. You should put some time aside to focus on yourself during solitude. This will lead to an epiphany about your love life, but you will only find it if you spend time away from the people in your life.
8Aries: A New Dawn Is About To Bring You Happiness And Welcomed Newness
While the presence of the Sun, Mercury, and Saturn will insist you put serious efforts into your possessions and income, this will be an incredibly joyful period in your life.
The Sun in Leo wants you to enjoy the fruits of your labor, so your hard work will lead to the beginning of something new and refreshing.
It could be the time for a new romance to enter your life, the perfect opportunity to begin a successful, creative project, or the birth of something surprising and pleasant could be on the horizon. As long as you don’t lose sight of the importance of your financial situation, it is time for you to be wildly happy.
7Aries Love Horoscope: Be Prepared To Experiment To Achieve What You’ve Been Looking For In Your Love Life
A square between Venus and retrograde Saturn on the ninth will cause you to question yourself, specifically when it comes to how important you are to other people. This could lead to a dip in your dating life or a lack of communication between you and your partner. It is important to remember during this time of sensitivity that you are lovable even if you feel like you aren’t. You might be able to get out of this rut faster if you build your confidence with some spicy experimentation with an enthusiastic partner, so take a risk by making the first move.
6Taurus: August Is A Time For You To Be Mindful About Your Home Life And Family Relationships
As Mars shifts in and out of your sign for several months, your life is likely to be hectic, but rewarding.
The presence of Mars suggests you will be more self-assertive, but as long as the people in your life give you space to focus on your own projects, you will be quite exuberant, although somewhat insensitive towards your relationships.
The New Moon in Leo this month will offer a new start in your home or family life, but if you are too focused on yourself to seize the opportunity, your responsibilities at home might begin to drag you down.
5Taurus Love Horoscope: Forbidden Desires Will Challenge You, But You Might Struggle To Resist What The Heart Yearns For
This is a dangerous time for you, so don’t lose sight of your identity as a reliable and loyal partner. While forbidden desires and urges will test you during the square between retrograde Mars and Uranus at the beginning of the month, a trine between the sun and Saturn at the end of August will bring you unforeseen wisdom about past relationships. The beginning of August will be a vulnerable time for you to make lusty mistakes, regardless of your relationship status. Don’t allow your sensuality to destroy your goals… you may be yearning for this forbidden person desperately, but you will regret a poor decision.
4Gemini: Your Social Schedule Will Be More Hectic Than Usual, But There Is One Place You Will Find Refuge
Venus in Virgo ensures that home and family life offers you the solace you need from your hectic social schedule, as Mercury remains in Leo until the 16th, placing heavy emphasis on communication and your social life.
You will encounter an unusual twist in your social sphere, perhaps finding a new friend in your neighborhood or during a time of studying.
This is a time for you to learn about yourself through interactions and communications with others, and with Saturn in Leo for the next two years, you will take all responsibilities more seriously, especially when it comes to any new course of study.
3Gemini Love Horoscope: You Will Likely Experience Rejection, But It Won’t Stop Your Confidence From Hitting An All-Time High
You will have several romantic encounters this month, as your confidence will hit an all-time high, but rejection is still around the corner. You may be blindsided by someone you thought was interested in you. Fortunately for you, a period of rejection will be followed by a period of luck, and a trine between Jupiter and Neptune will put a strong emphasis on your dreams. If you follow your intuition and gut instinct, you will be rewarded by your one true love. This could be the month you find your soulmate, so listen to what your body and mind are telling you.
2Cancer: The Alignment Of The Planets Might Lead You To Overindulge, So Be Careful
This is a time for you to turn over a new leaf when it comes to your finances or personal property as the New Moon moves into Leo. The arrival of Saturn places even more pressure on you to focus on your financial affairs over the next two years, as Saturn encourages you to accept more financial responsibility in your life.
Unfortunately, Venus moving into Libra during the second half of the month will urge you to spend money on pretty possessions for you to decorate the house with.
You won’t really need these things, but it is likely you will go over budget when buying them!
1Cancer Love Horoscope: Your Artistic Side Will Catch The Eye Of A New Love Interest
Whether you are a talented poet, a lifelong musician, or you can barely draw a stickman, you need to utilize these skills (or lack thereof) to find love. You will be interested in newness during August. You will stand out among romantic competition thanks to an artistic action, as the moon will spend time in your artistic sign, so if you want to win the heart of your crush, write a meaningful sonnet or paint a picture. Even if it’s terrible or embarrassing, your crush or partner will be impressed, and it will initiate a new beginning as far as your love life is concerned.