Exactly how to Impress a Woman on an Initial Day & Assurance a Secondly One

Do you often find you date a lot, but she loses interest and doesn’t want to see you again? Or that you do everything you thought you were supposed to, yet she won’t return your texts or calls the next day? Maybe you’re missing a trick, and you need to learn how to impress a girl on a first date.

First dates can be pretty nerve wrecking for anyone. How you start out on a first date often sets the tone for the whole relationship, so enter it ready to impress her socks off.

How to impress a girl on the first date – 10 things that make all the difference

As they say, first impressions count, and this is incredibly true when it comes to dating. You may have already met her in person, or possibly only online, but it’s crucial to get it right when you first properly meet up if you want to keep her interested.

If you manage to ace the first one, you almost guarantee she won’t be able to get enough and will want to see you again. It’s just getting over that first hurdle that’s the hardest.

#1 Show up on time. Whether you’re picking her up or meeting her somewhere, make sure to be punctual. No one likes someone who doesn’t bother enough to show up on time. If you’re not there when you say you will be, then don’t be surprised if the rest of the date turns sour.

#2 Dress to impress. If you’re wondering how to impress a girl on the first date, remember that looks aren’t everything, but they do count for something. I’ve been on dates with guys who showed up in sweatpants or flip flops, and it instantly put me off. If you show up looking great, it shows her you think she’s worth putting in the effort.

#3 Be prepared. A first date is kind of like a job interview. Make sure you’re ready for what she may ask you. She wants to know about your background, what your friends are like, what your hobbies are, and what your aspirations are. Rehearse a little beforehand, so you know how to answer any questions she throws at you.

#4 Truly engage with her. Take a genuine interest in her and her life if you want to make a lasting impression. Ask her questions about what she enjoys doing or what her family is like or where she went to school. Really listen to her answers. If you’re not that interested in her, she’ll pick up on it.

#5 Show off your personality. Try to be outgoing, chatty, and push yourself out of your comfort zone. Some of the most awkward dates are when the other person is super shy and hasn’t got much to say from themselves. Don’t make her feel like she intimidates you or else you’ll kill the spark.

#6 Avoid being too cliché. It’s all good and well being on a date with someone who’s thoughtful. But try and avoid being too cheesy with over-romanticised one-liners or cliché gestures, like pulling her chair out for her or always referring to the waiter as “Garçon” *not joking, this happened to me once*. Be genuine and caring, but don’t overdo it.

#7 Don’t overbrag. Even if you live a super impressive life, don’t let your ego get the best of you, especially if you’re trying to impress a girl on the first date. There’s nothing worse than being on a date with a dude who won’t shut up about how amazing he is, how much money he makes, or how many women want to sleep with him. Humility is a desirable quality, so make sure she sees you have it in spades.

#8 Laughter is the best medicine. Everyone loves to feel like they connect on a certain level when it comes to humor, so laughing at her jokes goes a long way. Just make sure not to go overboard. It comes across as desperate and makes her feel like you’re fake.

#9 Show her chivalry’s not dead. Being a gentleman doesn’t mean showing up in a three-piece suit and opening doors for her everywhere you go. It just means being polite, kind, not interrupting when she’s talking, and showing her your kind-hearted and generous side. The way you treat others is what you get back, so if you’re a sweetheart she’ll reciprocate.

#10 DON’T mention your ex. This is a big first date red flag when it comes to knowing how to impress a girl on a first date. There’s no reason to mention your ex in any context on a first date, even if it’s to tell your date you’re still friends.

It just comes across like you’re comparing her to your ex, or that you’re not over your former relationship. And if your date asks about her, mention it briefly and honestly, and then move onto another topic.


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