
4 Reasons Why Men Don’t Want a Serious Relationship With You

What prevents a man from entering into a serious relationship with you? There are special reasons for that!

For a man to fully commit to a relationship, he must feel that everything in his life is going as it should.  When this is not the case, he will not be able to feel a clear sense of confidence that he wants a serious relationship.

Judging by the title of this article, you might think that I’m going to talk about the feminine side of things—or what exactly it is about you that makes men wary. But it’s exactly the opposite. This is not about women’s problems at all. After all, the most global reasons that prevent a man from doing something are within himself.

Yes, there must be compatibility and attraction. But there are countless cases where these two components were present between two people, but the man simply could not take the next step.

This is because he needs to coordinate and organize certain things in his own life to feel fully open to a woman and be able to choose her, no matter how well she suits him.

This article is more of a direct message to women who are looking for commitment and wondering why many of the men they date don’t want to reciprocate. It should help you better understand what kind of men are right for you. And, more importantly, do not take it personally if they’re hesitant to commit to you.

So, here are 4 reasons why men don’t want a serious relationship with you.

1. They are not ready for commitment yet.

Sometimes a man is just not sure about a woman. He knows they are compatible in many ways, and she loves him to death, but it still feels wrong. He may not be aware of the exact reasons why it feels wrong to be in a committed relationship right now.

But there is one thing that a man can realize and change his view of relationships.  Sometimes the real question is not whether you are ready for this relationship. But is she ready for a relationship with you? What kind of relationship are you ready to give her now?

It’s not about the woman herself. No matter who he was with at the time, no matter how involved they were, ultimately, if a man is not ready, he will not be able to commit to a woman for more than a short period.

This often happens to men who are too young or don’t have enough life experience.

Most of the time, their stubborn but mysterious insecurity about their feelings for potential partners has very little to do with their physical features or personality. The real reason is sometimes that they haven’t dated enough, haven’t traveled enough, or are just too young. They’re not ready for commitment yet, period. But once a man has gained enough experience and learned about himself, he becomes much more open and ready for a serious relationship.

2. They have not yet found their purpose in life.

There is an unwritten and unspoken rule that governs a man’s life.  Mission above all else.

If a man has not yet made up his mind and received support in his mission, he will intuitively sense that something is missing and will feel that the relationship may hinder him from achieving his goal.

This does not mean that men still do not enter into relationships without knowing their mission. But in this case, they either do not feel fully satisfied, or it does not last long. When a man seems wary and does not feel that internal “readiness for a relationship” mentioned above, this is one of the more serious reasons.

It is more difficult because it takes a lot of inner and outer work and a lot of time to reveal and achieve his life’s purpose.

3. They are not yet sure if you fit their vision for life.

Allison Armstrong, a legendary author on the psychology of men and women in love and relationships, has made a major contribution to the way men date.

When men meet women, they “try them on” like a jacket.

While women’s imaginations may more automatically include a man in their future and how to solve it, a man will be more likely to question whether it is even right for them.

Men try to understand whether a woman fits into their life picture. He evaluates whether her personality and preferences will fit into his lifestyle and goals. If a man is more codependent, he can completely compromise his vision of life and discard it. But this is fraught with great troubles and leads to disastrous results for both.

If he does not see that a woman is right for him, then no amount of effort will be able to change his attitude towards her. A man will not want a long-term, serious relationship.

However, it often happens that when the relationship is “good enough” and doesn’t go so far that he feels the need to avoid it, some men can let the relationship develop in a kind of limbo. He feels inspired to commit fully to the matter, but he also doesn’t want to give up on this kind of relationship because it’s quite enjoyable and meets certain needs.

But if it comes to something more serious, then he will let the woman go, because deep down he knows that this is not right for him.

4. They are driven by fear.

Fear affects some aspects of the previous points. For example, whether you are compatible with each other or not.  We often do not choose a life path or people because we are afraid of possible negative consequences and undesirable future scenarios associated with this choice.

For example, a man may avoid relationships because he fears the pain of separation or the financial ruin and marital complications of divorce. He may fear changes in his intimate life and the loss of novelty. He may fear that he will lose his freedom and self-esteem.

While some of these things are indeed possible outcomes, all of these fears point to a larger problem: He is allowing his mind to be ruled by fear and does not fully trust himself.

Everything in life involves risk. Relationships are certainly no exception. But we also have freedom of choice in how we behave and mitigate these risks. Just as we can manage our money wisely to avoid bankruptcy, we can also take steps to ensure the success of our love.

And the threat of pain and loss is inherent in life. Anyone who hasn’t embraced this fact and developed a strong tolerance for risk is, in essence, afraid of life itself. If he’s not connected enough to his purpose and unsure enough to handle the inevitable downfalls along the way, he’ll let fear hold him back. This is the reason why men just don’t want to commit to you.

This type of limiting fear is a very boyish quality that is also behind the immature fear of losing yourself to a woman. If a man does not have healthy boundaries and self-esteem and does not believe that he has the power to strengthen and express them, then he will live in fear of being taken over by his relationship. This fear is why men do not want long-term relationships.

You have to admit it.

If you love and admire a man but feel that any of the above issues are hindering his ability to perform, it may be difficult to let him go.

You may hope that next month he will suddenly change his mind or that you will be able to change his. But most of these things take work, which takes commitment and time and cannot be done overnight. But that is part of mature love. We must accept that some people just won’t meet our needs in a relationship, and that’s okay.

Respect his wishes and create space in your life for another man who is ready for commitment to enter.

This was an article about why men don’t want a serious relationship with you. We hope that after reading this you will understand men a little better. We wish you happiness and love in your relationship!

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