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There was a day when you couldn’t text. I know, right? I am nothing if I am not a texter, which I found is either the best form of communication or the downfall. If you want to know how to impress a girl over text, it is about being communicative and putting yourself out there. Two things guys aren’t always great at.

If you like a girl and want to impress her over text message, then there are things you should do that might not feel natural or leave you fearful of rejection. But, a girl wants someone real and in touch with their feelings, not an evasive guy who plays games.

How to impress a girl over text

There is nothing more frustrating to a girl who is into a guy than getting one-word answers or waiting days to get any answer at all. Let me clue you in on a little secret, playing hard to get is getting you nowhere, especially when it comes to texting.

#1 Never wait too long to answer. Sure, there will be times when you can’t answer back right away. But, if you purposely wait to show her that you aren’t more into her than she is into you, she will know. Playing games by playing hard to get isn’t going to get or impress her. More likely, you turn her off.

#2 Be funny. If you want to know how to impress a girl over text, then find things to make her laugh. Send her funny GIFs, images, or just be light-hearted. A girl likes to feel like you enjoy life and see the funny all around.

They also want to feel included on those things that you find amusing to make their day brighter.

#3 Don’t use it as your resume. If you want to impress her through text messages, don’t be a braggart. She doesn’t care that you drive a high-end car or that you own something expensive. Don’t use texting to give her a resume of how awesome you are.

#4 Text often. Okay, I say this lightly. There is a fine line to walk between texting often to get her attention and bombarding her with text messages. You want to text her when you think about her and have something relevant to say, not just to badger her all day.

#5 Say sweet things. If you want to impress her through text messages, say sweet things. There is a difference between saying sweet things and creepy things. Speak from the heart and tell her how you feel about her. But, don’t come on super strong, jealous, or obsessive, if you want to impress her.

Text her things in the morning to brighten her day or in the evening just before bed to let her know you are thinking about her. Being sweet is super easy if you just say those things that you feel in your heart.

#6 Understand the double texting rule. There is an unspoken double text rule that says that you shouldn’t ever text someone you like until you get an answer. Sometimes that rule applies and sometimes it doesn’t. If you want to impress her, then figure out right from the start what type of girl she is.

If she is someone who likes a challenge, then the double text rule applies, which means you don’t text her more than once before she texts back or that could turn her off. If she is a romantic at heart, then send her more than one without waiting. Sometimes she’ll shit test you by playing hard to get and not answering without waiting.

#7 Just be yourself. What most girls want is a guy who can be himself. So, maybe instead of researching how to impress her over a text, just try to be who you are and say what you want. The key? Text her as you would anyone else and not play into all the rules and games out there.



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