Even if you think you have it all figured out when it comes to relationships and love, you still probably find yourself looking occasionally for answers to questions you don’t know and never thought you would need to.
The next time you find yourself stuck in a rut, read these books below and rehydrate your relationship knowledge tree! Sure, we can learn from our mistakes, but it’s much easier and less time-consuming if you know how to avoid making the same ones over and over.
Books about relationships that you can learn from
Maybe you’ve never really taken a liking toward reading, but I kid you not when I say that you’re bound to pick up a couple of lessons from these books.
If you’ve stopped reading because everything you’ve started ends up being super lackluster, you’re not alone. But you’re also not alone if you decide to try again, and trying again is the most important thing you can do for yourself and love! So give yourself another chance, learn invaluable lessons with these books below!
#1 The Rules. At first I was confused when reading this book that I can thank my sister for introducing me to. The Rules teach you how to stand up for yourself, especially when it comes to the opposite * and seeing. For example, some of the rules are to not call a guy back right away, or to never approach the guy but instead let him approach you, and to never see him more than twice a week.
The Rules basically teach women to act a lot like men, and it works pretty well. We all want what we can’t have, and a woman that a guy isn’t able to read right away is certainly going to stand out and be intriguing to him. The Rules are also hard, especially if you have a crush on someone you’re eager to see all the time. But you must remain cool, calm and collected, and follow the rules!
#2 Gone Girl. Sometimes books not only teach us what we want out of love, but also what we don’t want, which is the case with Gone Girl. This book teaches us that even though we might think we know our partner, it does not mean there still isn’t so much more we have to learn, good and bad.
Gone Girl teaches us that unfortunately, sometimes people we really care about and love can actually turn out to be the total opposite. Though these scenarios are rarely as brutal as the harsh lessons meted out in the book, it’s still a good idea to keep this thought in mind when you’re seeing .
#3 Gone with the Wind. Another wonderful classic, and one that can teach us one key life lesson: you cannot force someone to love you. Scarlett was in love with Ashley, but took to Rhett, because he paid her attention and spoiled her and provided for her. But deep down, she loved Ashley. Unfortunately, the feeling was not mutual, no matter how many times Scarlett wanted to believe otherwise, one cannot force love.
#4 He’s Just Not That Into You. Yes, this was the book that inspired that movie. This is one of my favorite books, when it comes to learning about seeing , because it’s very real, honest, and puts all the things you don’t want to see or hear in front of you, forcing you to see and hear them.
This book teaches us that love isn’t complicated when it’s right. If you are overanalyzing everything he does, like why he didn’t call, if him touching your arm was actually him flirting with you, and you’re always trying to justify his jerk behavior, you know deep down inside that he’s just not that into you, and you deserve better. Only after you stop being so needy, and living for yourself, will he realize how fantastic you are.
#5 Pride and Prejudice. This classic can teach you a lot about life and love, but if there was a lesson I learned about love from reading this novel, it is that your ego and pride can get in the way. In order to truly let yourself love, you must let your guard down, and letting your guard down means that you have to show your weaker side, and put aside your ego and pride. Otherwise, you will end up alone.
#6 The Notebook. There are many Nicholas Sparks books that can teach us about love, but in my opinion, The Notebook takes the cake. This story is so beautiful, and the biggest lesson about love it teaches us is to follow your heart, trust your heart, and do what truly makes you happy, making choices for yourself and no one else. How can you let love in when you’re living your life for everyone else? You can’t. So follow your heart, and live your life for love.
#7 The 5 Love Languages. If you’ve ever found yourself having difficulties communicating with your partner, you might want to read this book. Communication plays such a vital role when it comes to having a successful love life, and oftentimes we forget that.
We might think when we asked them to do the laundry we said it casually, when really it came off demanding, which makes your partner feel all sorts of things, and makes them want to do anything except what you just said. Tones and how we deliver messages are a huge part of being in a relationship, and this book teaches us how to speak our partner’s language.