
6 Ways to Let Go of Someone You Never Thought You’d Say Goodbye to

6 Ways to Let Go of Someone You Never Thought You’d Say Goodbye to
When you date someone you love and build a relationship for months or years and then break up, the damage can haunt you for years, even decades, into the future. So how do you let go of someone you care deeply about and move on with your life?

People are the most important aspect of our lives because they have the power to change us in ways that nothing else can.  The right person can turn hell into heaven, and the wrong person can ruin our lives completely. Sometimes we unfortunately find that the same person can do both.

Relationships that start great often end in tears of despair. This is not something that can always be predicted at the beginning of a relationship and almost always takes us by surprise.

Letting go of someone who meant so much to you and who changed you radically as a person is incredibly difficult—there is no way to sugarcoat that fact. But letting go is possible. You must get your life back on track.

1. Take as much time as you need.

I’m not going to sit here and tell you that “time heals all wounds,” because that’s bullshit. Sure, time heals a lot of wounds. Most wounds, actually, but not all.

Some wounds stand the test of time better than any of the wonders of the world. But there are also wounds so deep that no amount of time can erase them.

Sometimes time shows us that the feelings we have are bound to fade as we move to another level and enter into a relationship with another person. That’s why you should give yourself a chance. Even if it doesn’t heal all your wounds, it will surely dull the pain. Turn vivid memories into blurry images.

2. Meet a new person.

Don’t jump into bed with the first person you meet; it doesn’t help with grief. But I’ve concluded that allowing yourself to fall in love with another person is the right thing to do. It will help you heal.

I am not telling you that it is easy. Falling in love with someone is not easy, especially if you have been through a bad relationship. It will be quite difficult for you to open up to someone at first, but you can allow yourself to fall in love.

Don’t try to fall in love with a person completely; first fall in love with their traits. When people fall in love, this feeling does not always develop into deep love, but you should not deprive yourself of pleasure and pleasant emotions.

Falling in love with someone, even on the most superficial level, reminds us that we are capable of love again.  Think of it as a small step forward.

3. Rethink why you had to break up.

Have you ever stopped and rethought why this happened to you? Over time, we tend to dig into the past, recalling pleasant memories and emotions.

We are transported to a time of deep love and passion—this is something very dangerous because your goal is to let go of this person and allow yourself to move on. Every time you have a pleasant memory of this person and the life you once lived, counter it with a negative thought or memory. Love exists in your mind, and through your mind, you can learn to control it better.

Even if you can’t convince yourself to hate this person, regularly reminding yourself of why you had to end your relationship can make your life a lot easier.

4. Make it clear to yourself why you need to let this person go completely.

Sometimes relationships can be saved and the passion can be rekindled. But not all relationships are worth reviving.

It’s one thing to understand why you broke up with him, and another to understand why you and he should stay apart. Again, you have to be careful about letting your emotions out. Emotions are complicated and often deceive you, taking you away from reality. 

Take a step back, take a deep breath, clear your head, and reason with yourself as to why you need to continue living. You need to be clear about your intentions and reasoning because if you don’t, those emotions will catch up with you and you will end up doing something you will regret later.

5. Take time to imagine your ideal person.

Take the time to picture your ideal man, and then point out the areas in which your ex-lover fell short. I believe that very few people worry about this. We all hope, even expect, that one day we will find the man of our dreams.

My question is: How will you know you’ve found love if you don’t know what the man of your dreams looks like?

We all know that no one is perfect, but that doesn’t mean we can’t describe the qualities we admire in a partner. Of course, you’ll never find someone who fits all your criteria exactly, but that doesn’t matter.

Your ideal partner is more of a benchmark than a set of requirements. You should use it to compare potential suitors. It doesn’t matter whether they fail or not, because, in the end, you have the final say.

Often this guide will help you understand how far your last love was from the goal. This can help you understand the situation better.

6. Find the love of your life.

I understand that you believe that your last partner, the one you were in love with, was the love of your life. You won’t believe that you will find another one. But understand that once you meet the true love of your life, the last one will be overshadowed. It will fade in comparison to the new love.

This doesn’t mean that you will completely forget your ex, but your new love will take the main place in your heart. You may still think about this person from time to time, but you will not miss him/her as much.

Love is like a drug; it doesn’t matter who supplies it, as long as the supply is good. New love drowns out the old. There are people we will never stop loving because they have become a part of us. However, we can relegate these relationships to the category of the past and move on with our lives.

These were 6 ways to let go of someone you never thought you would say goodbye to. If you have been in this situation in your life, share in the comments how you dealt with it.

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