Love Advice: 4 Ways To Maintain Attraction To Your Partner
The sexual attraction of partners in a relationship can change over time, sometimes capturing both in its sweet captivity and sometimes cooling the passion, like the lunar tides. One fact, however, remains inevitable: when the attraction weakens, the couple goes through a powerful spiritual crisis, from which not everyone can escape. Is it possible to shake the dust off feelings and breathe new life into the relationship?
In this article, we will tell you how to maintain attraction to your partner and remain attractive to each other. We will teach you how to rediscover your other half with the help of a couple of simple secrets. So, let’s go!
1. Just imagine that you can lose her/him
When a loved one is always around, their uniqueness is erased, and you get so used to each other’s company that at some point you stop feeling the value of the happiness that you actually have. What would you feel if your other half suddenly disappeared? How would you then treat the last days spent together? How much sharper would your feelings become? Just evaluate the groundlessness of boredom, criticism, and discontent in comparison with the prospect of losing your loved one. This practice will help you understand the true value of relationships.
2. Become your own Freud! Interrogate with partiality
Agreed, when a person is happy with life, loves himself, and is free in his own self-expression, he does not notice the shortcomings of others. He feels good, and he transfers this “good” to his partner without experiencing difficulties in expressing loving feelings. But as soon as the demons of anxiety, anger, or guilt settle inside, the mechanism of “projection” comes into play, i.e., transferring one’s own dissatisfactions to the partner. And the tragedy begins! The wife cannot realize herself, for which she nags her husband. The guy suffers from an inferiority complex and takes out his self-loathing on the girl, including jealousy. Do you feel unhappy in a relationship? Quickly look inside and find the true reason for your bad mood. After all, your partner is just your mirror.
3. Start thinking about your partner in a positive way
If you are not used to investing something in a relationship, most likely, your subconscious will consider your partner not such an important person, and therefore there is nothing surprising that feelings will quickly cool down. Remember the main rule: the more effort, emotions, and love you invest in a relationship, the greater the return! Now analyze what words you say most often; what emotions do you convey? Discontent, irritation, disappointment? Do not be surprised now why these feelings have become constant companions.
It’s time to change the rules! Start looking at your partner, looking for only the good; find what you really love him for. Did he awkwardly wash his socks and hang them all over the bathroom? But he still tries to take care of himself. Does she constantly tell you how to live? It’s just that your wife cares about you; she is sincerely worried. Change your attitude to familiar things, start perceiving relationships through the prism of love, and continue flirting as if you just met! And your feelings are guaranteed to shine with new colors.
4. Learn to manage your sexual energy correctly
Can’t do without daily masturbation? Are you used to watching pornographic films with a perfectly simple plot? Then this advice is for you! Stop wasting your own sexual energy admiring other people’s wives or husbands. Instead, learn to invest more energy in your other half, because the more you love your partner, the more reasons you will be pleasantly surprised. Want to watch porn? Arrange a joint movie session. Want to masturbate? How about doing it in front of each other? It’s even better to shoot your own adult movie to enjoy the orgasm of your loved one, not a stranger on the silver screen.
Maintaining passion is not as difficult as it may seem. It’s all about personal choice—either to carry love throughout your life or to give up at the first obstacle, citing “incompatibility of characters.” Learn to look at your partner with love, and you will never lose your attractiveness in each other’s eyes. Even when your skin wrinkles like a walnut, your hair turns silver, and you have dentures in your mouth, you will radiate love!