
10 Signs That You Are A Couple

In the age of Instagram and Facebook, people collect new friends and followers, just like you used to collect your beloved Panini stickers at school. There can never be enough! Now you’ve finally managed to land a nice and good-looking man. You see each other almost every day, but you’re slowly starting to want to know: have you just landed a fuckboy, are you stuck in the mingle zone, or is this perhaps something serious?

In addition to the obvious signs (“Yes, we are together”), you can also look on social networks for some clues as to whether things are getting serious between you or whether he is just your Instagram follower.

#1: The mobile phone pin

He gives you the most important thing in his life: his smartphone. You can use his phone at any time, even if he leaves the room, because he trusts you and has nothing to hide.

#2: The Netflix password

You gave him your password so that he can continue watching his series when you can’t see each other. However, he has created his profile, so if he messes around with your series list, you’ll unfortunately have to kill him.

#3 You have a series together

The new season of “The Walking Dead” is finally on TV. You promised each other that you would only watch the new episodes with each other. You also moved all your after-work appointments just to finally watch the new episode of “Sherlock” online.

#4 Shared photos on Facebook

He doesn’t hide behind the menu but smiles happily into the camera when you take a selfie together on your date. The photo ends up on Facebook and he even likes it. Yay, he likes to be seen with you!

But it’s better to post the photo only for you and your friends. People who constantly post their love photos publicly are often just looking for validation from strangers instead of concentrating on their partner.

#5: The dating apps

You met on Tinder, but that was a few months ago. Your partner hasn’t been registered there for a long time. That could mean that he’s pretty happy with you at the moment. If at some point you can’t find the app on his phone at all, things are going well.

#6 WhatsApp messages at work

You’re on your lunch break and you send him a WhatsApp message with a funny video you found on Instagram. He responds and sends you a hearty smile. You were just thinking about him and he knows why.

#7: You add his family on Facebook and WhatsApp

You’ve finally met his family. Then suddenly the invitations to be friends start pouring in. His mother sends you recipes via WhatsApp, and his sister links you to photos they’ve taken together on Instagram. His family will have asked him beforehand if they could add you on Facebook. And he said yes.

#8 His phone background

The photo from your weekend trip together is his new phone background. You’re sleeping in the photo and drooling a little, but he thinks it’s so cute that he wants to see it every time his screen lights up. Aaaww.

#9 Nude

You send each other nude photos via Snapchat. That must be true love. Well, it can; it doesn’t have to, but hey, if you’re the only one, it looks good.

#10: His relationship status on Facebook

He is now “in a relationship” on Facebook. That’s a big step. He’d better be serious because once a status is set, there’s no turning back. Everyone will want to talk to you about your relationship: colleagues, friends, and even old schoolmates he hasn’t spoken to in five years. He knows it and accepts it.

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